The England manager has repeatedly stated that he will not allow his players to be distracted by the World Championship.
However, the situation with Ramsey has become increasingly problematic.
In the summer, the player left the club, and it is now clear that the situation is not going to improve.
Hodgson has repeatedly said that he wants to give Ramsey a chance to prove himself in the Premier League, but the player has repeatedly refused.
This time, the problem is even more serious.
Ramsey has already missed a lot of matches, and this has clearly affected his performance.
It is also worth noting that the player is not the only one who has problems with the level of his game.
As a result, the England manager is seriously worried about the future of the player.

The situation with the player will be resolved, but it will be extremely difficult to do so.
So far, the team is not in the best shape, and the level in the English Premier League is quite low.
If the situation continues, the players will have to play against the teams that are much stronger.
That is why the situation in England is quite serious.
Itโ€™s not the first time that the team has problems, and now it is even worse.
But the team still has a chance, because the situation has improved significantly.
Now, the level is much higher, and there are a lot more interesting matches ahead.
Thus, the future looks very bright for the team.
England is in a good shape, too, and if the situation improves, the national team can become a real force in international competitions.
All football fans can watch the matches of England in live mode.
You can always follow the development of events in the country on the website of sports statistics.
There, the information is updated in real time.
Thanks to this, you will not miss anything important from the world of your favorite game. It is enough to use the convenient interface to find out the latest news from the country.
Premier League table
The Premier League table is a very important part of the English football calendar.
Fans can always find out all the latest information about the matches, as well as the schedule of upcoming games.
At the same time, it is also possible to follow the results of the games of the top teams.
Each of the teams has its own line of attack, and each of them has a certain style of playing.
Therefore, itโ€™ll be very difficult for the teams to find a common enemy.
For this reason, the Premier league table is very important.
Every day, the matches with the top clubs are held, and fans can follow the progress of events on the site of sports analytics.
Here, the data are updated in live format.
Together with us, you can be the first to learn about the results and the development in the field of the Premier tournament.
English Premier League results
The English Premier league is a tournament that is held every year.
Many teams compete for the title of the strongest in the world.
Of course, the most prestigious club of the country, Manchester City, is always there, but other teams are also very active in the championship.
Liverpool and Arsenal are the main competitors of Manchester City.
Manchester United is also a serious contender for the victory.
Despite the fact that the Red Devils are not the strongest team in the league, they are still able to win the title.
Arsenal and Liverpool are the teams with the best record in the current season.
They have won the Premier championship for the last time in the previous season. The team of Arsene Wenger is in the lead for the second time in a row.
He has managed to do it, but this time, he has a lot to do.
After the last championship, the Gunners have a very difficult task ahead. They have to fight against Chelsea and Tottenham.
Both teams are quite strong, but they have a lot on their shoulders.
Also, the main rival of the Red devils is Manchester United.
With the team of Jose Mourinho, the Red Devil has managed not only to win, but also to get a place in the Champions League zone.
Chelsea and Tottenham are the other teams that have a chance of getting into the Champions league zone. However, the chances of the Blues and Spurs are not very high.
One of the reasons is the fact they have not played for a long time. This is another obstacle for them.
Moreover, the teams of Jose and Mauricio Pochettino have a good chance of winning the title, too.
Their team is quite strong and has a good lineup.
Due to this fact, the English championship is a real test for the clubs from all over the world, and many of them have a decent chance of qualifying for the Champions club tournament. Itโ€™d be really nice if they managed to get into the top-4.
Live football score on the reliable resource
The football season in the United Kingdom is coming to its end.
During the tournament, the fans can find out live football score.
Such an opportunity is not available to them during the regular season, and they can watch live football scores on the resource.

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